the speck

Many of these streams course through tight Rhododendron and Mountain Laurel stands. “Dense thicket” has been used to describe a Rhodie forest but only a hillside of reforested pine seedlings after a logging in the Maine North Woods is thicker. Casting here may require some special techniques, like the Bow and Arrow Cast and most assuredly a Roll Cast, which our Guides can teach but will definitely require some special patience – which our Guides will leave to you.
For those interested in pre-trip homework and research, look for Joe Humphreys and any of his tutorials on small stream techniques and stay positive because you need to be inspired, not intimidated.
There is another Trophy patrolling the wild high mountain streams. This Trophy is not measured in pounds and is barely measured in inches but is easily the most striking of all the Trout you are likely to fool. The Southern Appalachian Brook Trout, or Speckled Trout, is a strain of the Brook Trout that is unique to the region and is found up high on some of the more remote streams. If you are seeking “Pleasure in the pathless woods” or you consider yourself to be an adventurous Angler and are looking to acquaint yourself with a “trophy” that you will not see anywhere else in North America, then our Guides will lead you to remote mountain streams where you must employ all of your skills to position yourself to a “monster” 6 to 8 inch trout painted unlike anything you have ever seen.