Spring Anglers know that with the passing of winter and the lengthening days, the mountains come alive as early morning sun wakes the insect life like it hadn’t just a few weeks before. The sun lingers higher in the sky, illuminating predators and warming the water driving the fish into hiding decreasing the likelihood of one seeing and targeting your fly. The settling sun of the late afternoon into the evening provides more shadows to shelter Trout and also a second round of active insect activity. The gap between first and last light, however, can be pretty impressive so usually it’s either the morning or the evening but not both. By the end of April, this stretch of the Blue Ridge Mountains has 13 ½ hours of daylight with the sun rising at 6:40am and setting after 8:00 in the evening so the Angler must choose.
Following a tradition from a classic New England lodge off the Upper Connecticut River just below the Canadian border, those souls who only want to be active with the fish with the rising sun, take Siesta with the fish during the heat of the day but cannot stand the thought of missing the evening hatch do not have to worry. You can break your day by venturing out with our Guides at first light and then return to the Inn to recharge with lunch and perhaps a massage followed by a nap. Then, return with our Guides to perhaps a new stretch of river to experience evening on the water with the sinking sun and the changed world bringing with it a new hatch and aggressively feeding fish.